Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to look 15 pounds slimmer in your prom dress

How to Look Slimmer in your Prom Dress

When you are dressing up for any special occasion, whether, prom , homecoming or just dressing up for the Oscar Night Awards, you want to look and feel like a star. Follow these Oscar Winning tips to look sleek and elegant for your next night out! Wear a prom dress that is:

a prom dress in one color elongates the body, making you look slimmer

Dark muted colors make you look thinner.
Not everyone should wear black, so think deep gray, silver, wine, raisin, burgundy, forest green, russet, midnight blue, golden brown, cocoa, cranberry, eggplant.

Try our free color analysis

Neutral colors, like  black, silver, gray, beige, taupe,
gold, will make you appear taller and more slender.

Long straight skirts or dresses are great for prom -just be sure the skirt is not too tight around your behind!

For more tips and ideas go to Shop 4 Prom Dress directory

GG Flower

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Monday, April 1, 2013

How can I find a prom date?

Question :

Next month is my senior prom but I don't have a date. Do i have to have a date to go to prom? My mom hates it when I go to dances and like most guys at dances just want to have fun. The thing is I want to ask my best friend, a (guy) but I don't know how.  Am I afreid to ask a guy cuz my mom might go crazy on me.

-Alice T.

Prom can pose a bunch of dilemmas for sure. And the "date" is the biggest problem for most students. The truth is : you do not have to go with a date. You can simply go with your best friend. But it could be awkward if it is just you and him, because people will wonder "are they dating" ? What you really want is a dance partner and an escort at prom, not that you need protection, but you don't want to go alone and spend all night alone. 

The best way to have the most fun at prom is go with a group of friends that you want to sit with. If there a a few girls and a few boys, you will have plenty of opportunity to dance with one or more boys, including your best friend. Dance with anyone who asks you, that way your friend will know you won't turn him down if he asks. 

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